
A New Year

The new year started 13 days ago, but I'm just now getting to blogging about it.  I've come across many blogs about making a new year's resolution, but for those of you who don't know me, I don't make new year's resolutions anymore.  I guess you can say...I don't believe in them.  Last year, I decided to choose a word for the year.  My word last year was "ENJOY."  I tried to enjoy each and everyday. 

This year, one word didn't come to me to easy.  I really want to make some changes in my life this year so I was tempted to make a list of goals, but no....I had to tell myself "ONE WORD!"

So, let me introduce you to my 2011 word....


New Book - The Beauty of Different

Karen at Chookooloonks has a new book - The Beauty of Different!  I can't wait to get my copy!
Go over and take a look!

The new book The Beauty of Different is available from Bright Sky Press and Amazon.


Settle Down Time

I was reading Simple Mom blog and I just loved this quote...

"If you can spend a perfectly useless afternoon in a perfectly useless manner, you have learned how to live." 
-Lin Yutang

The blog post, Productivity and Quality Down Time, talks about quality down time.  I call it down time.  I love "down time."  I always tell my friends, if you want to learn how to relax, I can teach you.  And this is true.  I believe people should relax and enjoy life.  I have so many friends that just work and work and work and they don't take the time to just enjoy....life.

Everyone should learn how to slow down and enjoy nature...the wind, tress, sun, moon, sky, etc...all of these things are free to everyone, but how many times do we stop to enjoy them?

For some, to stop and do "nothing" when there is so much to do is (as my husband says), 'just crazy!'  My husband is one of these people.  He always has to be doing something, but not me.  I'm totally opposite. 

And yes, I'm glad you asked, yes, we have kids and yes, I work full time.  My kids are teenagers.  Although they can 'fend' for themselves in some cases, when they were younger, we had "settle down time."  Settle down time was always one hour before bedtime.  The kids could read or watch television, but they rule was...you had to be quiet.  I came up with settle down time because I wanted the kids to have a good nights sleep and I beleive you have to calm your brain before your body will rest.  Even though I don't enforce settle down time anymore, the kids continue to do it on their own.

Here are a few ways I like to settle down:

  • Turn off the television, computer, cell phone

  • Watch the sunset

  • Read a book

  • Take a nap

  • Take a bubble bath (I do this every night)

  • Knit

  • Drink coffee or tea

  • Sitting on the porch on a cool night


A few things about me in: Three's

Three names I go by:
1. Risa
2. Ri
3. mom

Three jobs I have had:
1. receptionist
2. coordinator
3. trainer

Three places I have lived:
1. Austin, Texas
2. Houston [near Houston]
3. Italy, Texas

Three favorite drinks:
1. coffee
2. Coke Zero
3. water

Three TV shows I watch:
1. Grey's Antonmy
2. Monk
3. CSI

Three places I have been:
1. Arkansas
2. Louisiana
3. Missouri

Three places I would like to visit:
1. Chicago
2. Washington State - Seattle
3. Spain

Three favorite old TV shows:
1. Good Times
2. Martin
3. 90210

Three favorite dishes:
1. Shelby's Chicken
2. Paula Deen's Creamy Spicy Chicken
3. Southwest Eggrolls

Three makeup/beauty products I cannot live without:
1. lip gloss
2. mascara
3. flat iron

Three things I’m looking forward to:
1. the next chapter...
2. Houston with hubby's family [September]
3. seeing my family again


Things you hated growing up....

coffee image
...but you love now.

I was reading a post on Karen's Blog, Chookooloonks. She listed 10 things she hated as a kids, but have grown to love. I have to admit, I wanted to copy this so bad, and....here it is.
1. Short hair - as a child my hair was long, but as I got older my hair became a little shorter. I've grown to appreciate my hair and I'm loving it.

2. My eye color - i always wanted green eyes, because my dad has green eyes, but I love my brown eyes and they are a little lighter in the sun.

3. Almonds - for some reason I didn't like almonds as a child and my twin sister loved them, but now I love them in chocolate and I like almond flavor in cakes and cookies.

4. Beer - it's growing on me.

5. Wine - i love wine; can't live without it.

6. Talk radio - loving NPR. I listen all day long.

7. My sister - i am a twin and when we were little, we had to share everything. Now I can't say that I hated her, but there were days when I did not like her at all.But now that we are old, wiser and live a state away from each other, I miss her so much!!!

8. Short finger nails - i always wanted long finger nails as a child. Now as an adult, my nails grown all the time and I cut them all the time. I love short finger nails.

9. squash - LOVE IT!

10. coffee - i've always loved the smell of coffee, but it was just too bitter. Now I drink it everyday

So, what are some things you hated as a kid, but have grown to love?


LYL = Living Your Life

Living Your Life to the fullest everyday – this morning I came across the blog, Marc and Angel Hack Life and was reading this post . They take a look back on life and gives pointers. You know how you always wanted a book to tell you what to do and what not to do in life….well this is as close to the (still looking for) book as I have come.

So go get a cup of coffee or tea and sit and read. You’ll like it!


I love long weekends....

with nothing to do and nowhere to be! What could be more relaxing. Okay, maybe at a lake house like this enjoying friends and family.

this weekend was filled with knitting, sleeping in late, and eating (too, too much!). Now it's back to work.


Can't [Won't] Leave Home...

Things I won't leave the house without:
1. iPhone
2. small knitting project
3. iPad
4. chap stick
5. coffee [but only in the morning]


Past week readings....

Weekly retreat - read here.

I would enjoy a small getaway like this.

I love this fun duvet cover.


Somethings about me...

1. I like to read, but I never have the time.
2. I just finished a masters degree (I should have time now).
3. I love a good cup of coffee, even before bed (coffee always makes me feel better).
4. I always have a knitting project with me.
5. I love a clean house.
6. My house is not clean most of the time.
7. I like to color. Crayons are great, but Sharpies are the best.
8. I love rainy day (when I don't have to leave the house).
9. I love to watch the sun set.
10. I'm a homebody -- I love being at home.
11. Sometime I am very bored at home.
12. I don't like surprises.
13. I hate eating off of paper plates.
14. I listen to NPR daily (my kids think I'm crazy).
15. I hate wearing shoes, but I can't stand walking around my house without flip flops.
16. I put pj's on as soon as I get home from work.
17. I hate having my finger nails painted; and I love them short.
18. I love having my toe nails painted (most of the time a red color).
19. I love reading blogs.
20. I have a hard time saving money, but I'm getting better.

May 20 - A New 40 Days

On May 20, another 40 days will start.

I have slacked on the last two 40 days, but I have to report...I'm a college graduate again....with a masters degree this time. And it feels good, but now what. Yes that the question not only do I continue to ask myself, but other people are asking also. Now that others are asking, I'm really starting to question if I am supposed to be doing something else...something more. {pondering here.}

So on May 20, another great 40 days will start. May 20 is a great day because it's my youngest son's birthday. He is a neat (did I just say neat...yep, I did) little ball of power. He is the one who has taught me about setting goals and more importantly, how to make a plan to reach them.


Yoga - Day 20

Well it's half way through the yoga for 40 days and I have to admit, I'm slacking...okay, just not doing it. It seems like something is always coming up and lets not talk about the ice and snow that we've been having. I do love yoga, but right now.....i just don't know what to say.

So...I'm starting new this week....

Tuesday ~ 7pm
Thursday ~7pm

I would normally go on Saturday, but I will be in Austin. So on Saturday, I will go for a walk.
I will come back next week and let you know how the week went.


Just a quote I found today...

"Don't ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive."
-- Howard Thurman

To Tell or Not to Tell

When setting goals, should you inform everyone about your goals?

I've found the answer to be yes and no; depending on who you are telling.

If someone is going to motivate, support you, and cheer you on, tell them your goals and your dreams.

If someone is not supportive or constantly reminds you of the time you failed in your life, then you should not share your goals and dreams with them.

Remember, your dream is just as important as the next person. Go out and live your dream!

Yoga - Day 1

Okay, the last 40 days were okay, but today, lets start again.

Yoga for 40 days.
Goal: to enjoy Yoga for 40 days straight.

Right now, yoga is available at my gym three days a week, but the plan is to do yoga at home on days it's not offered at the gym.

So yesterday, I did go to the gym.

Today, I will practice what we went over at the gym last night.

Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday - at the gym
Monday, Wednesday, Friday - at home
Sunday - off


Christmas time is a good and bad time...

it's good because it's nothing like spending time with family. family is a huge thing for me....

it's not so good because, i haven't eaten a piece of fruit. i did have an apple yesterday. and i plan on having an apple today. better late than never...


Fresh Fruit - Day 12

It is 9 a.m. and I've already had my fruit (another banana) for the day! Yayy!


Fresh Fruit - Day 11

Goal: Eat a piece of fresh fruit everyday

Start: December 11, 2009
End: January 19, 2009

Reason: I need more fruit in my diet.

Notes: Okay, I have to admit, this goal is an easy one, but it's something that I need to do. As we all know, fruit is important.

Today I had a small banana....


It seems that everyone has a blog these days. We all want to "blog" about our lives, cooking, knitting, our families, etc. Well I guess I'm joining the bandwagon and starting a blog.

This blog is about setting goals. Without goals in our lives, where will we be.

Why this blog:
My sister and I have aways participated in Lent (although we are not Catholic). We thought it was a good idea to give up something for 40 days until Easter. And on Easter Sunday we would celebrate! I remember once my sister gave up soda, then on Easter Sunday, she had a Sprite and threw up.

Last year (2009) we both gave up fast food. It was a challenge for me, but my sister was awesome. On Easter Sunday we thought it would be a great thing to continue by setting a small goal every 40 days because what we were starting to realize was that when we gave up things, although we would go back to them, we really did start to make better choices (water vs. soda and eating at home vs. fast food).

As a training in my industry, I've started to talk a little about this 40 Day Thing with the participants in my class and many think it's a great idea. They want to use it to become better listener or to go back to school.

I will post my 40 day goals and give you a glimpse of my daily moments.

So let the fun begin!